Nervous about Webinars?
I’ve been there.
And I can help make them work for you.
Pulling off an amazing webinar is hard. You need to overcome your fears, tell a great story and be your best self to really connect with your audience and inspire action. And that’s if anybody even shows up. Not to mention all the tangled tech and perplexing processes.
But no worries. I’ve got you covered. In various B2B roles I’ve had the chance to host over 500 webinars and analyze over half a million more.
Now I’m on a mad mission to end all dull webinars, help you jump the learning curve, and turn your webinars into an instant hit.
Subscribe to my Webinar Wranglers newsletter & get my best tips straight to your inbox:
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How I got myself out there
As a boy I loved being on stage. But by the time I was a teenager I had somehow lost that joy and confidence. I was mortified of public speaking. When called upon in class I’d freeze – whatever I wanted to say gone into a black void. It was humiliating.
The Internet had just taken off and what started as a welcome distraction turned into a career in digital marketing. Then traditional marketing keeled over and suddenly I headed up all of marketing for a small software company.
In 2011 I challenged myself to overcome my fear and get out there. I read up on the topic. I practiced. Then spoke at my first event in front of an audience of 50 at Email Marketing Summit. I had my slides as a visual aide so I wouldn’t tumble into the blank black void. And it worked. Lots of other conferences and even more webinars followed.
These days I’m still nervous every time, but I’ve got my love back for speaking, engaging and interacting with people. I even get a laugh every now and then. Life’s good
With my work I try to encourage you to do the same. Get yourself out there!
Here are some tips on how to get over your stage fright and get started.
The side benefit: with your new-found courage you unlock one of the most powerful ways to drive an audience to action. Webinars.
They’re the only marketing channel that let’s you build a true, human connection at scale. And in a time characterized by a fundamental discomfort with media and advertising that real interaction is what builds trust and gets results.
My tips on how to host a killer webinar are sure to put you on the right track.
I’m 8 and I’m sure I belong on stage 😉
I’m 13, awkward, and definitely don’t want to be on stage. Like, no way!
Whenever the teacher calls on me my mind goes blank & I clam up.
I discover the Internet. Mind blown.
I build my 1st website. Decide to get a degree after all.
I graduate & get a job at a hot email startup.
I’m Head of Marketing at Netviewer.
I conquer my fear & speak at my first conference.
I go on a mad mission to end all dull webinars.