The Complete Webinar Checklist

Planning and hosting a webinar is a mammoth task even for the most hardy project management veteran.

Speaker logistics, presentation design, landing pages, emails, promotion, & much more need to be coordinated and heaven (or the Flying Spaghetti Monster šŸšŸ‘¹) forbid you let something slip through the cracks.

Because if you do disaster surely looms and your last minute scramble to launch the webinar will leave you a nervous wreck at the most inopportune time.


But none of this will ever happen to you because you’ve found this thorough webinar checklist, guaranteeing your event will go off without a hitch. Phew…

The Webinar Checklist For Flawless Events

Click the image to open the full size version and right-click to download it.
Or get the PDF version of the checklist here.


The Complete Webinar Checklist

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About the Author
Picture of Daniel Waas
Daniel Waas

Over the past few years, I've put on over 500 webinars and had a chance to analyze more than half a million sessions run on the big webinar platforms.

Now I run my own online event consultancy and am on a mad mission to end all dull webinars by sharing the best of what we've learned so you can skip the learning curve and turn your webinars into an instant hit.

Outside work, Iā€™m a geek at heart who loves LEGO, sci-fi and the occasional video game. If talking B2B for hours is your thing please get in touch with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.